Wilpattu National Park

18 Nov 2023
3 min read

Wilpattu National Park is one of the largest and oldest national parks in Sri Lanka, known for its diverse wildlife and natural beauty. Here are key details about Wilpattu National Park:

  • Geography: Located on the northwest coast of Sri Lanka, Wilpattu National Park spans the districts of Puttalam and Mannar. It is the largest national park in the country.
  • Accessibility: The park can be accessed from several entry points, and the main entrance is located in Hunuwilagama, off the Puttalam-Mannar Road.
Wildlife and Biodiversity:
  • Flora: Wilpattu is characterized by a mix of habitats, including dry zone forest, grassy plains, and wetlands. The park features a variety of vegetation, including dense scrub jungles, open grasslands, and natural lakes.
  • Fauna: The park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including Sri Lankan elephants, leopards, sloth bears, water buffaloes, spotted deer, sambar deer, crocodiles, and a variety of bird species. It is one of the best places in Sri Lanka to spot leopards.
Natural Features:
  • Villu (Natural Lakes): Wilpattu is known for its "villus," or natural lakes, which are an essential part of the park's ecosystem. These lakes attract a variety of wildlife, especially during the dry season.
  • Panikkar Villu: One of the notable villus in the park, Panikkar Villu, is a large lake known for attracting wildlife, including water birds.
Tourism and Safari:
  • Safari Experience: Wilpattu offers visitors the opportunity to explore its wildlife and landscapes through jeep safaris. The safaris typically take visitors to key areas of the park where they can observe wildlife in their natural habitat.
  • Best Time to Visit: The park is open for visitors throughout the year, but the best time for wildlife sightings is during the dry season, from June to October, (6am to 10am & 3pm to 6pm) when animals gather around water sources.
Park visiting hours: 6am to 6pm

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