Yala National Park

14 Nov 2023
2 min read

Yala National Park is one of the most renowned and largest national parks in Sri Lanka, situated in the southeastern part of the country. It is part of the broader Yala Block that includes Yala West (Ruhuna) National Park and Yala East (Kumana) National Park. Here are some key aspects of Yala National Park:

  1. Biodiversity: Yala is known for its rich biodiversity and is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna. The park is particularly famous for its population of Sri Lankan elephants, leopards, and aquatic birds.
  2. Leopards: Yala has one of the highest densities of leopards in the world, making it a prime destination for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers hoping to catch a glimpse of these elusive big cats.
  3. Birdlife: The park is a haven for birdwatchers, with over 200 species of birds recorded. Among the notable species are the Sri Lanka grey hornbill, black-capped bulbul, and the blue-tailed bee-eater.
  4. Ecosystems: Yala National Park features a diverse range of ecosystems, including dense jungles, scrublands, grasslands, and coastal areas. The park's varied landscapes contribute to its rich biodiversity.
  5. Safari Tours: Visitors can explore Yala National Park through safari tours, which are typically conducted in open-top jeeps. The park is divided into different blocks, and the most popular for safaris is Yala Block 1. The park is open year-round, but the best time for wildlife viewing is generally during the dry season from February to July.
  6. Archaeological Sites: Yala also has historical significance, with several archaeological sites within its boundaries. The park contains ancient rock inscriptions that date back to the 2nd century BC.
  7. Accessibility: Yala National Park is easily accessible from various parts of Sri Lanka. Tissamaharama and Kataragama are the nearest towns to the park, serving as bases for visitors. The park is approximately a 6-hour drive from Colombo.
Yala National Park offers a unique blend of wildlife, natural beauty, and cultural heritage, making it a must-visit destination for those interested in exploring the diverse ecosystems of Sri Lanka.

Location (Yala National Park main entrance): https://maps.app.goo.gl/mmkX43tygTQqWwAX7

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